Mental Fitness Summits 


Subject Matter Experts Invited! 

Listen to brief message from Dr. Hickman. Summit details posted below.

You Make the Magic! 

Our summits are free to anyone who registers. We don't charge because we believe learning how to be mentally fit is a gift no one should be without. Experts like you make this possible by graciously sharing a bit of your knowledge with others.

Thank you to our speakers past and future. You make the magic happen. Many blessings to you in return.


Summit Details: Nitty-Gritty 'n Stuff

If interested in being a summit expert, use Calendly link below to schedule a One-on-One call.

Summit Experts

In each summit, we look for 15-20 experts in the field who are willing to share their knowledge on a topic of shared interest with the summit theme. With the goal of changing lives, our summits are free; thus, we don't have a budget for speaker fees. However, there are definitely benefits for speakers, including increasing your own reach, growing your email list through special offers presented during the interview, interview included in our Mind of the Matter podcast as well as in future summits and more - all with the goal of increases your exposure.

Pre-Recorded Interviews

Interviews are pre-recorded on Zoom and are generally 30-45 minutes. We can prearrange specific questions or allow the interview to flow organically. To prepare, view: Interview Tips. Speakers receive a copy of the interview for their own use once the summit concludes. Upon summit launch, registrants receive one email each morning with one summit interview link (and other speaker links such as website, programs, and free/paid offers). Participants continue to receive one email per day until all speaker interviews have been delivered.

Live Online Launch

We have discovered that many folks enjoy a "live launch." This has the benefit of adding a live component while still offering pre-recording convenience. We strongly encourage all experts to participate in the launch and panel discussion to connect with listeners (60-90 min.). We schedule this close to our summit launch (or day of) to introduce speakers and give participants a chance to interact in a lively discussion. During this time, participants can ask questions live or submit relevant questions they'd like to see answered during the summit.

List-Building Goals

Most savvy experts recognize the importance of building and engaging their audience through email lists (which we own and control), not just social media (lists over which we have little control and can only "rent"). We may have the best program or services in the world but if no one knows about them, no one is helped. Our summits are designed to help create and foster crucial connections between listener needs and the services of our experts with the common goal of improving people's lives. Having listeners become part of your tribe through list-building is one way of accomplishing this goal. This means it is a win-win-win for all of us!

Your Summit Promotion

We assume experts join a summit because the topic is relevant and timely to their own work interests. Thus, we anticipate speakers will gladly promote their interview to their email list (7 days prior to launch; reminder the day before) as well as to social media and newsletters according to their established outlets. As the goal is to increase mental fitness through access to expert services, we should all want to reach as many people as possible! If a speaker cannot promote the summit in which they are participating to their email list, we can always offer another platform for the interview besides the summit. Since others are promoting the summit, it's only fair to do your part.

We Promote Speakers

Remember that our goal in service to the general public is to foster important conversations regarding how to develop mental fitness skills. Part of this means connecting people with experts who can best support them on their mental fitness journey. We are much stronger as a global team than as "solopreneurs" who only promote ourselves. To this end, we aim to increase exposure for our experts by including interviews in future summits, in our Mind of the Matter podcast, include interview portions as examples in coursework, use as giveaways to highlight a particular expert, or partner with experts in joint efforts. We love our experts and it shows. We are invested in your success!

Speaker Gift to Listeners

Most summit experts engage listeners more effectively to join their own email list by including a free gift (announced during the interview). The offer link will be included in the email sent out to registrants with your interview. This can be a pdf download such as a guide, list of tips, chapter of your book, etc. Get creative because people love free stuff! Most speakers already have a free offer built into their website to capture emails in exchange for the resource. If not, simply use your expertise to create a simple download. All we need is the link.

Speaker Paid Offers

Some speakers opt to introduce a paid offer during their summit interview. From past experience, paid offers that work best are priced at $97 or below and represent a huge value to the consumer. These offers are generally an introduction to the speaker's services (e.g., a starter course, a few coaching sessions, specialty consultation, etc.) but provide good value. This is a great way to build rapport and establish connection with someone who really resonates with your platform and who could genuinely benefit from your expertise and services.

Date Flexibility

Because we host quarterly summits, the dates published for the summits may change slightly on occasion, depending on how many speakers have signed up for a given summit (we aim for at least 15 but generally not more than 21). We try to recruit and record interviews well in advance, but dates might change if we are still recruiting for a particular summit. In any case, we notify speakers in advance of dates changes and outline new promotion timelines to correspond with the summit launch. If date changes occur, these are usually a matter of 30 days or less.

It's All About Teamwork

We generally have a team working behind the scenes to manage all moving parts involved in the summits. Thus, we will reach out to you at some point to get your headshot, brief bio, and your signed or acknowledged speaker agreement (view a copy here). Please be prompt in submitting these and replying to emails during the scheduling and document gathering process! We will also provide pre-written promotion copy and graphics for use in email campaigns, newsletters, and social media. This is solely for your convenience. Feel free to use as is or tweak more to your liking.

Interested? Let's Talk!

We've tried to include on this page all the information you are likely to need regarding how our summits work, expectations of summit experts, benefits of participating, etc. If you feel you have expertise to share (e.g., professional in the field or non-professional producing helpful materials, programs, services, etc., on the topic), you will next schedule a 15-minute, personal conversation with me (Dr. Hickman). We'll discuss what you want to bring to the conversation to make sure we're on the same page and determine which summit would be best. Schedule Zoom meet here: Connection Meeting.


Confirm and Schedule

Once we've confirmed via our connection call that we have a slot open and your expertise fits, you'll then schedule your Zoom interview via Calendly here: Schedule Interview. Using this scheduling tool prevents a lot of back-and-forth emails, missed calls, etc. I record interviews on:

  • Thursdays: 1pm - 6pm
  • Fridays: 8am - 12pm

Schedule when convenient for you but keep in mind we need interviews completed at least two weeks prior to launch.

Mental Fitness Summits 2023


Emotional Leadership Summit
(Sept. 29, 2023)

Emotional leadership is about learning to embrace, recruit, and manage our emotions as powerful allies to accomplish our highest goals. Experts for this summit include psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, physical therapist, college professors, musicians, spiritual advisors, authors, entrepreneurs and individuals who have made amazing journeys from tragedy to triumph.

Free Registration: Open NOW!


Beyond Your Past Summit
(Nov. 24, 2023)

This summit explores the legacy of highly charged, negative events and the keys to dismantling trauma for recovery. Subject experts needed for this summit include any professional working with mental, emotional, or physical manifestations of trauma such as traditional methods (therapy, psychiatry), spiritual approaches, energy healing, body work, etc. Non-professionals using their recovery journey to help others (e.g., programs, books, podcasts) are also welcome! Speaker promotion to list begins Nov. 17th. Live launch happens Friday, Nov. 24th with panel discussion!  

Free Registration: Opens Nov. 10th


Managing Your Mind Summit
(Dec. 19, 2023)

Managing Your Mind delivers powerful secrets and effective hacks to make our mind work for - and not against - us by reversing negative mental habits into positive ones. Subject experts needed for this summit include professionals working to change mental habits, perceptions, beliefs, or emotional/spiritual issues that create gaps between what people currently experience vs. what they want. Non-professionals actively working, writing, or producing helpful materials are also welcome. Speaker promotion to list begins Dec. 12th. Live launch happens Tuesday, Dec. 19th with panel discussion!

Free Registration: Opens Dec. 6th

Mental Fitness Summits 2024


Relationship Savvy Summit
(Jan. 30, 2024)

Relationship savvy is about viewing relationships as a joint venture where magic happens as interests are co-nurtured. We'll explore how to create fulfilling long-term relationships and how to exit toxic ones. Subject experts needed include professionals working with relationships of any type (romantic, family, friends, coworkers, etc.). Non-professionals producing helpful materials in this area (e.g., books, podcasts, videos, courses, etc.) are welcome, too! Speaker promotion to list begins Jan. 23rd. Live launch happens Tuesday, January 30th with panel discussion!

Free Registration: Opens Jan. 17th


Emotions Gone Awry Summit
(April 12, 2024)

This summit explores common causes of emotional dysregulation (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, environmental) and offers tips and techniques for taking control back! Subject experts needed for this summit include professionals treating emotional dysregulation in any form (physical, psychiatric, energy, holistic health, alternative healing practices, spiritual approaches, mindset/habit change, trauma recovery, etc.) Non-professionals producing helpful materials (e.g., podcasts, books, programs, videos, etc.) are also welcome! Speaker promotion to list begins April 5th.  Live launch happens Friday, April 12th with panel discussion!

Free Registration: Opens March 29th


In the Right Spirit Summit
July 12, 2024)

Spiritual beliefs aside, there is a "spirit" to everything we do. This summit explores the inherent spirituality present in living beings and how we can tap into this genius for the good of all humans. Subject experts needed for this summit include practitioners who explore the spiritual nature of living beings (both religious and non-religious approaches), the impact of spiritual health (or lack thereof) on our whole being, how to reconnect with our deeper self and helpful practices to assist these efforts. Non-practitioners producing helpful materials are also welcome! Speaker promotion to list begins July 5th. Live launch happens Friday, July 12th with panel discussion!

Free Registration: Opens June 28th


What the Body Knows 
(Oct. 11, 2024)

Research in the last few decades has identified surprising truths about the inherent wisdom of our bodies and powerful mind-body-spirit connections. This summit explores body wisdom and how to tune in more efficiently. Subject experts needed for this summit include physicians, wellness-based holistic practitioners, mindfulness or meditation experts, energy healers, nutritionists, herbal medicine practitioners, body language experts, psychologists, etc. Authors producing related materials are welcome! Speaker promotion to list begins Oct. 4thLive launch happens Friday, October 11th with panel discussion!

Free Registration: Opens Sept. 28th